Freedom Centre Design.
Hired as the preliminary designer for the Freedom Centre; a home and shelter for veterans, a community center, and an extension of the Church of the Nazarene in Cambridge Ontario, I was challenged with the task of designing a building that would serve to help its community.
As the project is in the early stages of its fundraising campaign, I was asked to design each space with the intent to be used as marketing material as well as serve as the basis of conceptual, schematic, and programmatic design, as seen in the illustrations below.
The 3 storey building is set to be completely wheelchair accessible and O.B.C compliant, making a fully welcoming environment capable of hosting community events, fundraisers, rental spaces, as well as offering services offered to help assist Canadian War Veterans. Located two blocks from the core of Preston on a quiet residential street, the Freedom centre is connected to the Church of the Nazarene and will provide 10 fully accessible housing units to Veterans as a crisis intervention home for short term housing where Veterans will have the opportunity to take part in on-site and off-site programming.