Mine Revitalization.

2nd Year Ecology Project/ 2019
Partners: Thomas Vanderkruk/ Reese Babcock

As an abstracted interpretation of Sudbury’s mine sites and their interwoven connection imposed on the landscape -- whether active or not -- they are to be viewed in plan or in section, for their existence is always present.

Shown as the crisscross connections of the underground networking system risen above the surface, attention can be drawn to the absence which the mines have produced.

Regardless if viewing the presence of a singular mineshaft system or the connection between each point source overlayed, the result is the same; a web of extracted, and otherwise “invisible” earth wounds.

These wounds are made visible by reversing what humans perceive as inhabitable surfaces. If one simply flips our forced perception of directional views to see what lays underneath us and the destruction we have caused, maybe then we can begin a genuine process of understanding why our water, air, and soil is the way that it is.